Tuesday, 13 August 2013

9th August 2013 - Day out to Newport IOW for lunch

It's raining this morning but supposed to be brightening up, so decided to go to Newport for lunch.  By the time we were at Gilkicker Head it was roaring sunshine, so plodded along to Cowes avoiding the racing yachts.  I would like to point out here for the record that POWER DOES NOT GIVE WAY TO SAIL and any yachties out there who don't know the rule of the road better go and read up about it,  If you are coming at right angles on our port side YOU MUST GIVE WAY.

Rant over !  Passing by the entrance to Island Harbour up the river Medina we took in the very sad sight on the old Ryde Queen, formerly a passenger boat then in the 70's was a disco.  Fast forward to 2013 where she lies here rotting away.

We are heading for Newport Quay, you can only get up here 2-3 hours before high water and best to leave 2 hours after high water otherwise you dry out.  Newport is the Capital of the Island - I used to live here 40+ years ago and don't have particularly good memories of it but it's different when you are in your own boat and not have to rely on expensive public transport.  The Bargeman Pub on the quayside is very popular and the food good.

I sunbathed on the stern of the boat for an hour to let our lunch go down before setting off for Portsmouth and subsequently to the Wheatsheaf to get rid of our eggs that were laid today.   

Looking back down the Medina River from the entrance to Newport.  That red roof is Newport Rowing Club.

I'm hoping our next trip will be to the West Country for a holiday but we will have to wait for the weather forecasts.

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