Sunday, 6 October 2013

Valladolid - Sunday 6th October

Leaving Hendaye this morning to a bright morning with clouds over the Asturias mountains ahead, we made our way after a very nice French breakfast in the Hotel Bellvue towards the Spanish border and beyond.  Decided take our way towards Burgos, some 220km away but as the roads are so good we were there in just over 2 hours, much better one can cover ground so quickly as we did, so here we are in Valladolid, another 180km south west.  Not easy to find the old town if you have never been before and we had to backtrack some of the signs to the city centre (centro ciudad) to find the Plaza Mayor, the hotel I was interested in staying having read up on it earlier and where to park.  Eventually found the hotel, 4 star, I though with trepidation that it must be at least 100E a night as it looked posh but hey it was only 60E so immediately decided to stay 2 nights as there is so much to see of the old town and the history, and of course, as we have discovered just now, hundreds of very good tapas bars and restaurants.  Just walking into the Plaza Mayor had a very nice lunch of tapas with Serrano ham, egg and chips that are so tasty Bill ordered another portion.  And at LAST.  A decent measure of GIN with some tonic, those French haven't got a clue.  So after a couple of gins and some beers for Bill we are now resting after our 4 hour drive.

Bill walking in the Plaza Mayor

Municipal building

Lovely Rose Garden in the heart of the City

                                                 Lovely Spanish Statues and Architecture

We need to re-sort our bags as travelling to so many different places the boot gets out of hand and as we need so many things just for one night, pills, etc we need a couple of days to sort ourselves out.

So more later, we will probably just have more tapas later for dinner.  We did fill up as sometimes a lot of places close Sunday but certainly not the place we had lunch today, which means that all of the cafes will be open I would have thought in the plaza mayor.  Later...

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